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Further development through changes

When you have distilled out the best ideas, it’s time to polish them up, since the first, raw version of an idea is rarely a concept ready for market.

The aim is to bring out the success factors and the value added, and sharpen the USP. This means questioning, revising, rejecting, improving, readjusting, questioning again, and finally re-revising. 

Most of my ideas originally belonged to other people never bothered to develop them.
– Thomas Edison


What happens when you replace parts of the idea?
Replace: components, materials, persons


What happens when parts of the idea are combined further?
Combine: mix with other additional functions, overlap with new services


What happens when parts of the idea are given a new function?
Adapt: change functions, use part of another element or assembly


Can individual factors vary and how does this change the idea?
Modify: increase or reduce size, scale, or change the design or attributes

Put into other use

What happens when elements of the idea are put to another use?
Find (an)other use(s): find a new context in which to use the idea or reformulate its area of application


Can elements of the idea be eliminated?
Eliminate: elements, components, reduce to core function


What happens if you turn the idea or its elements around?
Reverse: pull it inside out, stand it on its head, find an opposite use

Lara Marie Brückner
Client Services Manager
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