Mega-trend Woke Culture

In many western societies, awareness of social injustice is increasing. Consumers themselves are getting involved and are calling for transparency and change. Social diversity and the differing needs of each and every person are getting recognition and being addressed. In the post-demographic world, new standards and challenges are emerging for politics and companies.

Acknowledgement of diversity and differences

Increasingly, there is no standard definition of a consumer – diversity and differences between people are being acknowledged and addressed specifically. Values and consumption habits as part of the consumer’s own lifestyle are more meaningful than the social milieu. At the same time, awareness of discrimination and of a lack of equal opportunity is also increasing.

TRENDONE Trendexplorer Mega-Trend Woke Culture Macro-Trend Diversity Awareness

Visibility of marginalised groups

Previously marginalised groups are campaigning publicly and visibly for equal opportunities. Products, services and infrastructures should no longer exclude anybody. Inclusive design from inception is becoming the new standard. Women are taking a stand for self-determination and are campaigning against the gender pay gap and sexual violence.

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Social media serve as a platform for activism

In this context, social media serve as a platform for activism. One thing “woke” consumers do is put pressure on companies on social media and demand open communication and transparency. Politics, too, is facing profound change and many challenges. On the one hand, this makes it possible to try new democratic approaches; on the other hand, the growing power of global tech companies is threatening democracies worldwide.

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Mega-trend Woke Culture and its macro-trends

As a long-term sign of change, each mega-trend emerges in the form of medium-term macro-trends. Depending on factors like technological development, research status and societal acceptance, the macro-trends need different lengths of time for mainstream adoption.

Exclusively in the Trendexplorer: Macro-trend deep dive

  • Drivers
  • Degree of maturity/mainstream adoption
  • Challenges for different industries
  • Opportunities for different industries
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