Mega-trend Future Skillsets

The world of work is undergoing rapid change and radical upheaval. New jobs, methods and models of work require skills and approaches that weren’t covered in education and training. Lifelong learning is essential.

Re- & upskilling

Different re- & upskilling options make it possible for people of all ages to increase their level of knowledge and broaden their skillset at any time. Apps, online courses and virtual realitycontent make learning location-independent, multi-dimensional and lifelong. Employees are taking on more responsibility and must be more flexible in their response to changes in circumstances. The entrepreneurial self is also called upon in everyday life. Enterprising thinking, strategies and procedures are important key requirements.

Agile Organisations

In agile organisations, dynamic ways of working and self-organisation are essential, as only then is it possible to react quickly to changes in requirements and wishes. Artificial Intelligence applications will replace many jobs, including creative ones.

AI Alphas

The first generation to grow up with AI and interact with smart technologies naturally, even in early childhood, are the AI Alphas. Not only are they comfortable in using these technologies, but they are also learning to develop them. As well as artificial intelligence, robots are increasingly supporting people in their day-to-day work on a collaborative basis: in production processes and working in warehouses or in service in restaurants and hotels.

Mega-trend Future Skillsets and its macro-trends

As a long-term sign of change, each mega-trend emerges in the form of medium-term macro-trends. Depending on factors like technological development, research status and societal acceptance, the macro-trends need different lengths of time for mainstream adoption.

Exclusively in the Trendexplorer: Macro-trend deep dive

  • Drivers of Innovation
  • Degree of maturity/mainstream adoption
  • Challenges for different industries
  • Opportunities for different industries
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